XG-25P Two Way Portable Radio Antennas

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XG-25P P25 Phase 2 Handheld Radio Accessories - Antennas 700/800 MHz
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XG-25P Portable Handheld P25 Phase 2 Radio Accessories - UHF Antennas
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XG-25P P25 Phase 2 Radio Accessories - VHF Antennas
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Choose quality L3Harris antennas to keep the signal flowing to your XG-25P and keep you connected to your team.

700/800 MHz

[A] Model # DP-NC5K: 764-870 MHz, 6.7-inch H ± 0.1, ½ Wave End-fed Gain w/Yellow Cap Ring
[B] Model # DP-NC5X: 764-870 MHz, 3.7-inch H ± 0.1, ¼ Wave Whip w/Yellow Cap Ring


[C] Model # DP-NC1F: 440-494 MHz, UHF, 2.4-inch H ± 0.2, Helical w/Red Cap Ring
[D] Model # DP-NC1U: 403-430 MHz, UHF, 2.8-inch H ± 0.2, Helical w/Black Cap Ring
[E] Model # DP-NC1L: 378-430 MHz, UHF, 6.3-inch H ± 0.2, Whip w/Brown Cap Ring
[F] Model # DP-NC5B: 378-403 MHz, UHF, 3.0-inch H ± 0.2, Helical w/White Cap Ring


[G] Model # DP-NC1D: 162-714 MHz, VHF/UHF, 5.3-inch H ± 0.1, Helical w/Blue Cap Ring
[H] Model # DP-NC5W: 150-174 MHz, VHF, 9-inch H ± 0.2, Helical Wideband w/Red Cap Ring
[I] Model # DP-NC1C: 150-162 MHz, VHF, 5.6-inch H ± 0.33, Helical w/Red Cap Ring
[J] Model # DP-NC1B: 136-151 MHz, VHF, 6.2-inch H ± 0.33, Helical w/Brown Cap Ring

 View the XG-25P Two Way Portable Radio Antennas on the Harris website.